2019 - 2025

Goals and Objectives

2019 - 2020
Developing the idea- Consultation
2021 Q1
Technical research and documentation
2021 Q2
Presentation of the idea and initial seed funding
2021 Q3
Identifying team members and first team meeting
2021 Q4
Design and develop

• Designing Logo and Web concept
• Designing mobile applications
• Starting of mobile and API development

2022 Q1
Tests and sales

• Local testing of web & mobile applications
• Bounty program (Collection of users to incentive test application)
• Incentive Test stage with token reward
• Private sale stage
• IDO (Initial Decentralised Offering) stage
• AUO (Active User Offering) stage

2022 Q2
Test & Multichain

• Second and third Incentive Test (Bounty Program)
• First HackathEarn
• Multichain supported network and bridge works

2022 Q3
Expansion & Stable version

• Team expansion - Involvement of new team members.
• Stabilizing Survey, Question/Answer and Article modules
• Web3 wallet - Chain integration (Register)

2022 Q4
Further development

• Development and testing of profile filtering
• Testing the corporate control panel (Survey)
• Testing the application for incentive participants
• Reaching the target of 50K registered users
• Initiation of development of the Feedback Module
• Negotiation process with IDO platforms

2023 Q1
First growthing

• Global marketing studies
• Question/answer module - determination of category experts.
• Testing the Feedback Module.
• Testing the corporate control panel (Feedback)
• Testing enterprise incentive
• Reaching the target of 200K registered users
• IDO process

2023 Q2
Stabilizations & Listing

• Stabilization of the Feedback Module
• Stabilization of corporate control panel (Feedback)
• Listing of THNX Token on exchanges.
• Providing corporate partnerships

2023 Q3
Reaching the target

• Reaching the target of 1M registered users
• Multi-language support
• Development of the application based on user feedback
• Initiation of global marketing studies
• Initiation of development of the Redeem model - Receiving products listed for tokens

2024 Q2
Reedem & AI

• Testing the Redeem model
• AI data collection and integration with other applications - Start
• Reaching the target of 5M registered users

2024 Q4
Reedem & AI

• Stabilization of the Redeem model
• AI data collection local tests

AI Test & Development

• AI - Testing for incentive participants
• Reaching the target of 10M registered users
• Stabilization of the AI data collection

© Earnswer 2021 All rights reserved.

